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Most people relate Sapphire to the color Blue. Sapphire is a form of Corundum (ko-RUN-dum), readily available in an array of other colors: Pink, Golden, Green, peachy Orange, Purple and Colorless.

Color change Sapphires are those which have two colors which are distinct when the light source is changed from fluorescent to incandescent. he trade usually recognizes gemstones with fewer visible inclusions to be more valuable than gems with visible inclusions.

The primary sources in India, as mentioned in its ancient scriptures, are the Mahanadi and Brahmputra rivers, the Himalayas, the Vindhyachal Mountains, Orissa, Bengal, and Kashmir. The best yellow sapphires, famous for their luster, smoothness, brilliance, and transparence, come from Mogok, situated in the upper region of Burma. 

Peela Pukhraj of lesser quality comes out of 

  • Australia
  • Thailand
  • Kampuchea
  • Kenya
  • Montana

Australia, Thailand, Colombia, Kampuchea, Kenya and Tanzania, and Montana, and we do not usually offer these stones. 

Peela Pukhraj or pukhraj is believed to be impacting positively on the professions of writing, barristers, traders and businessmen and escorting them towards the success. It confers the person a pacified state of mind guiding him or her on the way to sharp sightedness of the following path. 

They are to be set in rings or pendants, if in a ring, are best worn on the forefinger of the right hand. It may also be worn on the ring finger of the right hand. There are several sources of yellow sapphires including Sri Lanka, Thailand, Cambodia, Burma, Australia and Africa, but the only place I seem to be able to still purchase enough natural unheated material is Sri Lanka or India (where the stones originate from Sri Lanka). 

Peela Pukhraj is a sparkling gem representing Jupiter. It is traditionally considered as the symbol of wisdom, knowledge, and fortune. Ranging from light canary to ultra golden colors, yellow sapphire rings have become more and more popular nowadays. 

Its presence have been articulated in Himalayas, Ceylon and Russia. Its visible signals of its being chaste are spread around its being smooth, weighty, transparent and its presence in different colors like white, light and deep yellow and light orange. Smoky gem is known to be the most effective. 

The wearer is blessed with children. It gives protection from evil spirits. It is believed that if there are obstructions in getting a suitable match for a girl, she gets married early by wearing a yellow Sapphire. Blemished gemstones are the cause of many troubles. A stone with cracks invites threats or theft.

Good Peela Pukhraj 

A. heaviness or high specific gravity that can be felt when placed on the palm 
B. rich velvety luster that can be seen with the naked eye 
C. transparency, which makes it clean and pure 
E. uniformity of color, without any layers 
F. solidity, hardness 

Jupiter is also the ruler of religion and religious devotions and thus comes the name, Guru. He is the controller of all other planets, the revered spiritual master of the demigods. Spirituality are under the auspices of Jupiter, as are financial affairs and wealth. Jupiter is also the indicator of children in the chart and, in a woman’s horoscope, it is the indicator of what kind of a husband she will attain in this life and what their relationship will be like.

Peela Pukhraj: At Gem Selections we have a range of Pukhraj i.e., Pukhraj from Rs. 2100/ Rt to Rs. 31000/ Rt. 

You can have a look at these collections and decide what you want as per your requirement and budget. 

What ever you buy comes with a Lab Certificate, bill and Guarantee of purity and originality from our company and its promoter Mr. Pankaj Khanna. 

Peela Pukhraj
Care & Cleaning
EnhancementClarity Ranges from no visible inclusions to moderately included. 

Care & Cleaning Sapphire is among the most durable gemstones. In its common form, corundum is even used as an abrasive! Clean your sapphire with warm water, detergent, and a soft brush. Yellow Sapphire can be put in ultrasonic or steam cleaners. 

Enhancement Peela Pukhraj is often enhanced by heat to intensify its color. Heat enhancement is stable, routine, and does not require special care.

Peela Pukhraj

Jupiter is the biggest planet of our solar system. Its mass is more than the mass of all other planets combined. Its mass is 300 times that of the earth’s mass and diameter is approximately 11 times our earth. Like Sun it is made up of hydrogen and helium. Like Sun it has a fluid core made up of Hydrogen rather than a solid core like other planets. Scientists believe that it nearly missed being a Sun in its own right. The surface gravity of Jupiter is about 2.5 times more than earth. Hindu’s call this planet Guru. It represents Indra. It rules Rig Veda and Hemant Ritu. Its Gemstone is Pukhraj Stone. This is a gem with hardness of 9 on the Moh’s Scale is the Gem which can absorb the cosmic rays of Jupiter and put them into the body of the wearer. Pukhraj Stone and make a difference between success and failure. 

Aries: For those who have Aries Ascendant or Moon sign, Jupiter has the lordship of 9th and 12th houses. Ninth house being the ‘Bhagya Sthana’ wearing Pukhraj Stone can be greatly helpful for these people. The gemstone should have a strong Aura and vibrant color. This Pukhraj will increase the overall luck of the person and give him wealth and social status.

Taurus: People born with Taurus Ascendant or Moon sign have a strong will power but are simple straight forward people who are often misunderstood by people. Jupiter is the lord of the eighth house and the eleventh house. The eleventh house being the house of all gains its lord Jupiter can give the support of fate. The benefic effect of Pukhraj which strengthens the planet Jupiter improves the married life, income and material comforts in life. Pukhraj Stoneacts as a general healer here and gives a robust health and fights unknown diseases. 

Gemini: Those born under the Gemini Ascendant or Moon sign have a dual personality these people can act/ behave in very different forms at different times. The seventh and the tenth house are ruled by Jupiter in this case. Seventh House is the house of marriage and tenth house is the house of profession. For timely marriage and a good married life the strength of Jupiter is very important. To strengthen the Jupiter Peela Pukhraj should be worn in the index finger of right hand in a gold ring. The tenth house signifies valor and profession. Wearing a Pukhraj Stone with a strong Aura and vibrant color can turn the tables in your favor.

Cancer: If Cancer is the sign of Ascendant or the moon sign then the person is very emotional. His decisions are based on emotions despite being the best informed person. He can be influenced by show of emotion and love. These people are generally seen as mouth piece of the people who can influence them. Jupiter being the lord of the sixth and ninth house influences the Bhagya in a big way. These people should wear a Pukhraj Stone above 5 ratti in a Gold Ring in there right hand index finger. By wearing this Gem the emotional weakness described above shall be minimized to certain extent.

Leo: In cases where Ascendant or Moon Sign is placed in Leo zodiac Jupiter is the Lord of the Fifth house the house of bhagya and income that sustains the daily life. By wearing a Pukhraj Stone that has a strong aura one can get a better bhagya and the daily bread giving income increases. A Peela Pukhraj should be worn in these cases and jap of Guru Mantra – “Om! Graam Greem Groom Sah Guruve Namah” should be chanted daily on Haldi mala.Wearing a Triangular Lemon Topaz of 21 Ratti can also be beneficial. 

Virgo: For people born under the zodiac sign of Virgo – Jupiter is the Lord of the Fourth and the Seventh Houses. Fourth House signifies comforts, properties, home – while the seventh house signifies travels, spouse, long term affairs, friends of opposite sex, beauty around a person. Jupiter here influences some of the most important aspects of life hence its gemstone Pukhraj Stone i.e.,Yellow Sapphire can be very useful for completeness in life. Wearing this Gemstone can give a lot of push in life and reduce stress and tensions. 

Libra: Jupiter in Libra increases the social side of your personality. Qualities that lead to friendship & popularity are natural to these people. This person has many friends – will be well known in his own circle and popular in public. These people know how to handle partnerships, be active in societies, associations and other large groups. They have genuine love for people and are unable to live without them. Wearing a Pukhraj Stone further increases their magnetism and improves their leadership qualities. 

Scorpio: If born with Scorpio Ascendant or Moon Sign the person has a lot of warmth, enthusiasm, deep emotions, ambitions, physic & occult powers, strong will power. He is dignified, enthusiastic and has a great ability to foresee and plan future. Deep emotional ties, clear headed nature, ability to create empires all this many times leads to stress, depressions, losses to fight these the person needs the support of cosmic powers. Wear a Pukhraj Stone to get the cosmic rays of the Jupiter, the mighty planet that can give one high status. The enemies of this person are destroyed. 

Sagittarius: The sign ruled by the ambitious Jupiter. This sign makes one able to achieve high skill level and resultant financial and social status follows. Very strong commitment level and equally strong detachment are the unique characters of this zodiac sign. Some of the high achievers of society are born under this sign. On the negative side desire to run away from responsibility, over indulgence, short cuts put these people on the negative list of the society.To further strengthen the positive traits and weaken the negative side Pukhraj can be greatly helpful. Wearing a Golden Topaz can also be beneficial if budget limitations are there.

Capricorn: This is a zodiac sign ruled by Saturn. Very strong desire to achieve all that is possible in life. Material goodies and spiritual goals go hand in hand – multiplicity of activity gives unique abilities but success eludes in initial phase of life. They get success in life after the age of 35 years. Too much ambition and a roving mind leads to many problems in life. For this ascendant/ moon sign Pukhraj is an optional gemstone. 

Aquarius: Ruling planet for this zodiac sign is Saturn, the planet that gives the ability of deep thinking. In this case Jupiter is the ruler of second and eleventh houses, these houses rule money and income respectively so are very important in life. The gemstone of Jupiter Pushprag is strongly suggested in this case. 

Pisces: The sign ruled by Jupiter, in this sign the Jupiter is a matured saint – desirous of reverence and looking for spiritual achievements. He often suffers from megalomania, arrogance & conceit which needs to be curbed to achieve the higher goals of life. Wearing a Pukhraj Stone is beneficial for all those born under the zodiac sign of Pisces. This gemstone has numerous powers to give positive energy and improve the social position of the person.

It is light yellow in color. It is cold gem stone and is for Jupiter the largest planet in the solar system. It should be worn in gold on the first finger of right hand on Thursday. Yellow sapphire / Pukhraj worn for knowledge, wisdom, virtue, fortune, justice, education, future, religion, philosophy, devotion, children, distant travel, spirituality, truthfulness, prosperity and charity. It is expensive stone and denotes righteousness, piety and truthfulness. 

For children recomended ratti 2 to 2.5, for minor 3 to 4 ratti and for adults 5 to 12 ratti. Ring should be made of only Gold or Silver. Ring should be worn only on Thursday 4 to 7 p.m. and Ring should be worn in Tarjani or Anamica finger.