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Buy Natural Birthstones

To Buy Natural Birthstones we must try to understand the nature of Birthstone and their properties. What is very essential is that we must understand that Natural Rubies, Emeralds, Sapphires and Hessonites have inclusions in them. Even natural semi precious gemstones have inclusions in them. 

So, at the first instance when you come across a Birthstone see for inclusions inside with naked eye if you do not see any inclusions – see with a 10X lens – even then if you do not see any inclusions show it at a Lab. The probability of it being an artificial Birthstone is strong. 

One must know that in order to ascertain weather a Birthstone is of a Natural Origin or artificially created – the only sure certain way is to analyze its inclusions – the type of inclusions tells us weather a Birthstone is of a Natural Origin or not and the extent of inclusions tells us about its value. 

When a person who is not in trade of Gemstones/ Birthstones wants to buy a Natural Birthstone he/she should visit a long established and Trusted Gem Shop and then see the Birthstones of his choice and then finalize the Birthstone he wants to put his money in. 

When you are looking for a Trusted place to buy Birthstones – Gem Selections, Janakpuri, New Delhi should be your ultimate destination.