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Emerald in Ayurveda

Emeralds are associated with the planet Mercury. It is believed that the Emerald Gemstones have the power to cure any diseases connected with it. This Gemstone is also used to also ward off any evil spirits.

Emerald oxide or Bhasma made from Emerald increases radiance and can cure fever, coma, vomiting, thirst, asthma, constipation, hemorrhoids, and swollen internal organs. Medical problems associated with any kind of poisoning, an Emerald bhasma is thought to aid in healing. Since the oxide is cold in nature, people with a hot temperament may benefit from its use.

Emeralds Bhasma is believed to increase memory, promote a long life, and can effectively treat a snakebite. When the heart and stomach is weak, an Emerald is thought to influence the road to recovery.

There are methods of healing that involve Emerald Bhasma paste, which is mixed with honey when administered to the sick. The ailments that the paste is most helpful include colic pains, kidney stones, fever, vomiting, poisoning, indigestion, and heart issues.



