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Gem Selections

Japanese coral

Japanese Coral is a type of red coral that always remains high in demand due to its beautiful color and texture. The bright red color looks extremely elegant as the centric part of any jewellery. Formed in the sea by marine creatures called coral polyps (Corallium rubrum), this gemstone is purely organic and precious. Japanese Coral represents the planet Mars and helps to improvise weaker marks that provide extreme courage to face the obstacles in your life. Sudden mental challenges and problems often hamper our quality of life, but with these gemstones one can easily get rid of them. Many people call Coral with different names like Maheya, Musaragalva, Latamani, and etc.

Japanese Coral is the birthstone of Aries zodiac symbol and helps in cleansing the aura around you by taking off all the harmful negative energies.

Itallian Coral

Japanees Coral

Sri Lankan Coral


Japanese coral : At Gem Selections we have a range of Japanese Coral i.e., Japanese Moonga from Rs. 325/ Rt to Rs. 1100/ Rt. 

You can have a look at these collections and decide what you want as per your requirement and budget. 

What ever you buy comes with a Lab Certificate, bill and Guarantee of purity and originality from our company and its promoter Mr. Pankaj Khanna. 


Coral ( Moonga ): This is the gem of Hanumanjee ,it bestows upon a person courage and strength. This also improves the muscular system and improve the capability of bone-marrow to produce red blood cells .It improves the process of absorption of oxygen by the lungs and there by gives strength to the entire body and removes many diseases which are not understood by the medical profession . This also removes the effect of tantra and evil spirits. If you have uncomfortable dreams this is a must for you . Quality : Premium