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What is the spiritual meaning of sapphire

Spiritual Meaning of Sapphire: In the early and primitive times, heavenly blue Sapphire indicates the stature of spiritual faith and trust, and it was thought to get defended, worthiness, and divine vision. The Sapphire gemstone was thought to be the mark of supremacy and power and also the sign of gentleness and sensible verdict. Biblically the Sapphire means truth, correctness, and honesty. Sapphire gemstone is also related to holy indulgence. The priests use blue color to show their relationship with paradise. The Sapphire gemstone is thought to emphasize and peace your mind and to remove undesirable thinking, sadness, and emotional pressure. The Sapphire gemstone is thought of as the stone of novel affection and promise and is applied for beneficial closeness and devotion. The Sapphire stone is known to bring harmony to your mind, calmness, and wealth. 

Benefits of Sapphire Gemstone: Amazingly, the blue Sapphire has health benefits also. It is known that wearing blue Sapphire helps indigestion. It also protects you from various disorders related to your stomach. It is said that blue Sapphire sanctifies its bearer with name, reputation, wealth, and money.  The Green Sapphire gemstones in Vedic astrology are known to represent the mercury planet. Sapphire returns your inner stability of the body; it aligns your physical, spiritual, and mental health which brings calmness and harmony of mind. It alters meditation, peace, and joy. Another name for Sapphire is ‘stone of prosperity”, which invites different favors and thus pleasing dreams and desires. 

Other uses of Sapphire: The Sapphire is also a wisdom stone and each color of the gemstone fetches its specific perception. The Sapphire gemstone discharges tensions, misery, undesirable feelings, and divine confusion. Sapphire also helps in the treatment of blood disorders, fighting too much bleeding and strengthening the veins and nerves. It is also used in cellular imbalances, controls the human glands, and pacifies the intense body system.