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Amethyst Gemstone Benefits

The Amethyst stone, a stone of the Quartz family, comes in Violetish Blue as well as Royal Violet colour. This gemstone is made up of Silicon Di Oxide and has a trigonal and hexagonal prisms crystal structure.

Different Names of this Gemstone

This gemstone is also called as Jamunia or Katella in Hindi.

Benerfits of Amethyst Stone

  • The foremost benefit of this stone is that this stone acts as a powerful healing stone to intoxication. This stone is very helpful if a person want to overcome Alcoholic addiction.
  • Sacred texts regard this gemstone as the alternative stone to the Blue Sapphire stone because it has the powerful Saturn energies. As we know, Saturn is the ruler of the sign of Aquarius and Capricorn. People who have these signs should use to wear this gemstone after the analysis based on the their birth chart astrology.
  • This stone is a great quality stone that possesses strong healing properties that enhances the quality of meditation. As this gemstone directly impacts the crown chakra therefore it is considered as the stone of higher values, knowledge and ideas. This stone helps in meditating and focusing on goals of the life.
  • According to Astrology, Amethyst gemstone is considered as the birth stone for the people born in February. This powerful healing stone helps in breaking all kind of negative from the life of its wearer.
  • In China, these crystals are used to cure back pain and stomach pain.
  • This precious Gemstone having great spiritual value awakens the Kundalini and balances the chakras.
  • This precious stone helps in expelling out the negative vibes.
  • Low heat emitted by the Amethyst crystals helps to calm mind and body and helps the person to sleep well.