Since ancient times, rubies have been precious for their bright colour and incredible hardness. Before purchasing a ruby, you should know how to detect the ruby’s pure quality. There are some important tips given below that you should keep in mind while buying this expensive stone.
1. Choose a carat according to your budget. Carats (c) are measurement units to measure the weight of the gem. It is a good to select a 0.9c, 4.9c or 2.9c ruby.
2. Choose its cut. A gem’s cut describes the efforts of a lapidary in giving it a shape. Generally, the shape of ruby depends upon preference, most rubies are cut as a marquise, an oval, round or cushion (a rounded square). Due to lower demand, Emerald or Heart may be cheaper when compared to other gemstone of similar quality having different cut shape.
3. Select a colour. Most of the people prefer a purplish-red ruby or pure red, but it thoroughly depends upon personal taste. It is believed that rubies with high-quality come in rose, orange-red, or pink colour.
4. Online Market. If you are planning to buy a gemstone from the online market, it is suggested to find the company that has a return policy. When you shop online, it may be sometimes hard to detect a ruby from the given photo. Another thing is, you should read reviews of the other customers for avoiding scams.
5. Place the ruby in light. There are black or grey patches known as extinctions present inside the ruby. Light does not reach in these extinctions. The thing to be noticed is, the more of the extinctions, the lower will be the value of ruby. You should move your gemstone around in the bright light and detect the visibility of the extinctions from the different angles.