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Angels: Guiding Lights on Your Spiritual Journey

The angelic world is an important aspect of your growth and self-realization, which unfolds divine consciousness. You can never thank God enough for providing angels to help you in so many ways. It’s fascinating to think about how much your life is in the hands of the people delivering the treatment. When you rise to a new spiritual height, the angels’ presence becomes a reality with you via the guidance that accompanies evolution.

There are seven degrees of heavenly help for every step of your own growing awareness. In addition to supporting you throughout your life's journey, the holy ones help you reach your full potential over the course of these seven phases.

First Stage

The initial stage of the walk with God begins with your opening to the spiritual light. This is something every aspirant goes through. There comes a time, which is the inexpressible spiritual click, when you suddenly realize that the life that has a larger divine call is to be chased.

Second stage

Next is a spiritual “honeymoon period.” This is when you can experience your awakening more because you have more time and access to make a variety of small changes in your life and integrate the spiritual awakening into your daily life. This is a time when the glimmer of new horizons and opportunities start to reveal themselves.

Third Stage

The third stage, after you set your mind to cultural development, is a more serious practice that helps you bring your potential spirit ability to light and move into higher dimensions of awareness. Conversely, gradually, angels make you prepare yourself for a higher level of life. This results in the fifth stage of awakening, which seeks for you to bring harmony to the aspects of your life through adjustments or temper without losing balance with the process. That can be problematic since other people may avoid or even reprimand you. On the other hand, a very strong opposition to change may appear as you being unwilling to make the transformations the higher life would like to see implemented in you.

Fourth Stage

As you advance, supporting your awakening, you’ll breathe into this most amazing space, where you will now work with the angels. Through here, you start to learn secrets about the world and life that make you confident, and you are able to make bigger moves in your development. It is comforting at this stage to feel like you do not have to do everything alone and that a supporting angel is there for you. The moment you take a step from your daily life, a new kind of perception begins to form, and at times you notice the hidden aspects of the divine realm.

Sixth Stage

Ultimately, as you walk the way towards the heightened divinity conscience, you get into the sixth stage of the awakening process. It is here that you find this self-improvement process as you gain the ability to discard the lower nature, leading to the completion of being highly evolved. During this stage of life, stunning spiritual help is available, and when you finally learn how to let go of the ego and revert to living the divine life, Within the narration, Elmer was so full of joyful emotions about embracing the spiritual way at the beginning, which would, in time with physical development, be rooted in a wholesome, permanent, settled love for the higher life.

Seventh Stage

And finally, as you knowingly master the sixth and most important stage, Result of which you have succeeded in finishing something extraordinary. Through the guides, you were able to reach scorn for yourself and be like the gods. Now you have arrived at the climax of your outstanding creative process, organized by nature herself—your enlightenment. Wisdom and shrama brew into a cauldron of optimism. For such a very long time, these angels of wisdom have had to be content with only inspiring you along the way. Now they get to work immediately with you. At this stage of your travels, you have had many experiences. Some of them now smile, and some of them now cry. To say it another way, you now understand completely the meaning of your spiritual experience.


Angels in the mess of your daily search are your undying companions and helpers who will never leave. Celebrate that today; you have all the necessary means to uncover the mystical; you can hear the universe. Find the courage to thank the angels supporting you on your path towards turning you into the best you can be.