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Heera Diamond Stone

Heera Diamond Stone


A diamond is a symbol of enduring love because of their durability and longevity 

Natural diamonds mostly occur as isolated crystals. The name 'diamond' was taken from the Greek word, 'adamas', meaning 'invincible', a sheer testament to its remarkable and superior hardness. 

The superlative physical qualities of diamond are credited to the strong covalent tetrahedral bonding between its transparent crystals. 

Diamond is the transparent, gemstone-quality crystalline form of carbon and it is indeed the hardest-known natural substance on Earth. 

Although traditional colorless or 'white diamonds' are the most popular colored diamonds but yellow and brown diamonds are actually the most commonly occurring diamonds. To buy diamonds online you need to just visit our website. 

Natural diamonds are evaluated on four aspects 


• Color is an important factor to consider when choosing a diamond, as it is noticeable to the unaided eye

• A diamond's color has a significant impact on its appearance. With its many prismatic facets, a colorless diamond reflects light into a spectrum of hues, a characteristic often referred to as "fire". The presence of noticeable color in a diamond may reduce its ability to reflect light. Consequently, diamonds with lower color grades will not show the same luminosity and fire as those with higher grades. The most valuable diamonds have little to no detectable color. 

• The diamond color chart or scale begins at D (colorless) and ends at Z (light yellow). 

• D is totally colorless, without a hint of any other color. Z indicates an intense deep yellow or deep yellow-brown 


• The contours and outlines of a diamond have a significant impact on its appearance. 

• The brilliant round cut diamond is the most popular,

• Other shapes include pear, oval, radiant, princess (square), emerald (octagon), asscher, cushion, heart and trillion (triangular) shapes.


Inclusions found on a diamond can be considered nature's birthmarks, the distinguishing characteristics that make the stone unique. When grading a diamond, the amount of inclusions and blemishes has a direct impact on its clarity and value. Flawless diamonds containing no inclusions are extremely rare and very expensive. 

A diamond's clarity rating is based on the size, number, and location of internal and external characteristics. As most inclusions can't be seen by the naked eye, gemologists use a ten-power (10x) microscope to rate a diamond's clarity. 

• FL Contains no internal inclusions when viewed with 10x magnification. • IF Internally Flawless diamonds may contain external characteristics (also known as blemishes).

• VVS1 and VVS2

• VVS1 and VVS2

• VVS1 and VVS2 Contains minute inclusions that are extremely difficult to locate under 10x magnification.

• VS1 and VS2 Contains minute inclusions, such as clouds, crystals, or feathers, which are difficult to locate with 10x magnification.

• SI1, SI2, & SI3 Contains noticeable inclusions under 10x magnification, including clouds, knots, crystals, cavities, and feathers.

• I1, I2, I3 Contains very obvious inclusions that can usually be seen with the naked eye, as well as under 10x magnification. Included diamonds sometimes display poor transparency and lack of brilliance.


• Size is the most visible factor that determines the value of all diamond types.

• The size of a Diamond is measured in Carats(ct) .A carat is equivalent to 0.2 grams (about 0.007 ounces). 

• The price of the diamond rises exponentially depending on its size


Russia, Botswana, Congo, Angola, South Africa, Namibia, Guinea, Ghana, Australia and Canada. There have also been significant deposits found in India and Brazil. Canada has recently become a main commercial source for fine white diamonds. 


Who should wear diamond?

According to Vedic Astrology, Diamond represents the planet Venus so people with Taurus and Libra ascendant should wear diamond. 

Diamond brings success and love in married life. By wearing diamond, you will find more cooperation from your spouse. 

Diamond helps in reaping the powers of Venus for the benefit of the native. Those that have powerful Venus will can double their prospects by wearing this gem. A weaker Venus in the horoscope will be strengthened by wearing a diamond ring. 

The health issues occurring due to a weak Venus are the problems of urinary organs, weak uterus, diabetes, debility of the reproductive organs, lack of sexual potency and interest, skin problems and other cosmetic issues. These problems can be remedied by wearing a diamond 

In which finger Diamond should be worn according to astrology?

According to astrology diamond gemstone should be worn in middle finger of right hand. 

what day and time diamond should be worn ?

For good astrological effects, one should wear diamond – heera on Friday morning between 5 am to 7 am. in shukla puksha days. 

In which metal one should wear a diamond?

For best results diamond should be worn in gold but if you can’t afford gold, you can make it in silver also 

Mantras for Venus:

Om Draam Dreem Draum Sah Shukraya Namah 

Diamond Stone Properties

Category Native minerals
Formula :: C
Strunz :: 1.CB.10a 
Crystal :: Cubic system :: Hexoctahedral class 

Heera Stone Identification

Formula mass :: 12.01 g/mol 
Color :: Typically yellow, brown or gray to colorless. Less often blue, green, black, translucent white, pink, violet, orange, purple and red.
Crystal habit :: Octahedral
Twinning :: Spinel law common (yielding "macle")
Cleavage :: 111 (perfect in four directions)
Fracture :: Conchoidal (shell-like)
Mohs scale hardness :: 10 (defining mineral)
Luster :: Adamantine
Streak :: Colorless
Diaphaneity :: Transparent to subtransparent to translucent
Specific gravity :: 3.52±0.01
Density :: 3.5–3.53 g/cm3
Polish luster :: Adamantine
Optical properties :: Isotropic
Refractive index :: 2.418 (at 500 nm)
Birefringence ::None
Pleochroism ::None
Dispersion ::0.044
Melting point :: Pressure dependent