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Why is Amethyst is purple?

Amethyst stone is the most famous purple color gemstone in the world. This purple color form of quartz which was used in specific design since the last 2000 years. It's the gemstone who was born in February and is also an essential gem in the New era. Amethyst is being used for the production of sculptural stones, crystals tumbled, cabochons stones, and much more jewelry.

The color of amethyst was shown to be the effect of the substitute of trivalent iron ion i.e. Fe+3 for silicon in the composition, and in the determination of trace elements with a large ionic size, and, to that same degree, the amethyst gems color will normally result first from removal of the transition metals even though the iron level is too low. Amethyst Gemstone can diminish in color if it is exposed to air to visible light and it can be naturally dark with appropriate ionizing radiation.

Amethyst does have 7 Mohs of Hardness and It doesn't split through cleavage. This is a gemstone that is long enough to be included in rings, pendants, earrings, bracelets, and some other kinds of jewelry. Whereas the term "amethyst" tries to make most of the person think of a deep purple gemstone, amethyst eventually happens in very many purple shades. The purple color is so bright that it's barely visible or so darkened that it's almost transparent. It may be a purple, reddish-purple, or dark purple color. Amethyst occurs in this wide variety of colors.

Today, a lot of lightweight amethyst is being used to carve small-sized gemstones for use in massive market accessories. Almost all of the high price Dark purple color and this amethyst is used in high-profiled or designer's jewelry.

With a mixture of beautiful colors, strong toughness, and availability, and it's no doubt that amethyst gemstone is the favored stone of skilled artisans, craftsmen, and customers.