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Why a diamond ring is preferred as an engagement ring

There are a variety of bracelets available on the market. Some are on stilts, while others have beautiful sculptures. But no one has ever achieved the amazing aura of diamonds. Not surprisingly, to date, the most popular type of engagement ring. Everyone values ​​a brilliant diamond as a symbol of interaction and emotional bond between two soul mates. The best part is that you can design your engagement ring to achieve a deeper level of customization.




Although the engagement ring is a new tradition, the concept of the engagement ring has been around for centuries. The ancient Romans used wedding rings to indicate the identity of the future bride. The ring indicated a marriage contract and symbolized the daughter's ownership would soon be passed from the father to the future bridegroom. In public, a young woman often wore a gold ring. The gold ring was changed back in the house to a metal ring.


The Romans thought that diamonds were supernatural and that having a diamond in the ring protected the wearer. Pliny the Elder, a renowned Roman philosopher, wrote: "Diamond is a poison that stops poison, prevents madness, and eliminates vanity."


Legend has it that the bridegroom's custom of asking the bride's father for permission to marry his daughter stems from this custom. The bridegroom did not ask for the bride's hand at the wedding; he requested an ownership transfer.


Why has a diamond ring replaced functional engagement items? 

Other ideas include that in a financial crisis, a wife could close the ring to help with family problems. Taking a ring to a grocery store seems easier than herding farm animals to the city. Today diamond rings have become such a tradition that the absence of diamonds would not be considered a legitimate proposition for many couples. You may also think that diamonds are one of the hardest things in the world, so finding a diamond is a surefire way to express a lifelong commitment to commitment.


Are wedding rings and wedding rings different?

Yes, they are different as wedding rings are given during the proposal, while wedding rings are exchanged at the wedding ceremony. Wedding ring styles, such as those featuring a medium diamond or gemstone, are often very sophisticated. On the other hand, wedding rings are usually more traditional and easier to build.