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Which metal is best for skin

Skin is our first line of defence which saves us from many diseases, moreover, it is our calling card to our health and beauty. An individual's skin can describe a lot of things about how that person feels on the inside.

Looking back to ancient times, many people have used precious metals for creating a soft, beautiful and young-looking skin. Some metals help our skin to look beautiful.

1. Copper

In ancient times, people had a deep love affair with this metal. Copper is a good conductor of heat, therefore it was believed to stimulate a flow of healing energy.

Many people considered this oldest metal as the metal of love and the metal of healing.

Copper maintains the chemical balance within our cells and enters our body with water and food.

2. Gold

Since early times, Egyptians, Romans and Japanese were using gold in skincare products for curing many skin treatments.

Women's ultimate desire to have a wrinkle-free clear skin free from spots. Gold activates the basal cells of the skin and enhances the elasticity of the skin. It reduces fine lines, wrinkles, marks and blemishes on the skin, and makes your skin look younger.

The presence of ions in gold help to stimulate the cells, veins and nerves in your body which leads to improving blood circulation. Moreover, it increases the metabolism of skin cells. Gold helps in stimulating the cells and make skin nourished and healthy.

3. Silver

Women decorate themselves with various jewellery of silver, on the other hand, this metal works as an excellent doctor. For an illustration, wearing silver jewellery on the neck calm the nerves. Wearing silver on the ring finger reduces blood pressure and removes excessive energy in blood circulation. Wearing a ring on the index finger normalizes gastrointestinal tract. Silver is used in medical drugs has a broader antibacterial spectrum.