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What Stone is Dark Red?

It depends upon the personal choice to opt the gemstones from the variety of different colours. Sometimes a person might find it very difficult to find a gemstone in a certain colour as per the desires. Gemstones can be found in many several main colours. Given below are the gemstones that come in a dark red colour.

Almandine: a member of the Garnet group which is associated with the planet, Pluto. Almandine gemstones come generally in a darker shade than pyrope. The colours of this stone vary from red to dark red, purple to purplish red, and even pink. 

Bloodstone: It is a member of the Chalcedony group. This gemstone looks like blood in its polished and rough form. 

Kornerupine: It is a rare magnesium aluminium borate silicate. It is a hard stone which has good cleavage in one direction. It comes in a rare and attractive bright vanadium green and a characteristic dark green leaning to brown.

Peridot: This greener type of gem-quality specimen of Forsterite-Olivine is a rock-forming mineral as well as a silicate of magnesium and iron. The olivine in yellower type is called as Chrysolite. The olive green/ bottle-green type olivine is called as olivine.

Sapphire: This variety of Corundum comes in a very dark blue, sometimes accompanied by a pleochroism of blue to dull green. 

Labradorite: Labradorite is a sodium-rich plagioclase feldspar. This rock-forming, calcium-sodium minerals form a continuous series which ranges from albite, through andesine, labradorite, oligoclase and bytownite to anorthite.

Chalcedony: Form of silica which is composed of microscopic quartz crystal. It is denser than opal and softer than quartz. The appearance of this stone may range from transparent to translucent to opaque.

Carnelian: Carnelian is a translucent variety of chalcedony which is red to reddish-brown. It is also known as cornelian. Cornelian stone's colour is caused by colloidally dispersed hematite.