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What are the benefits of wearing Emerald?

Explore the greatest possibilities

One of the most precious and attractive gemstones that has lots of incredible benefits - the green stone is even counted among the “Big Three” in the world of colored gemstones, which are Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald. This green gemstone is called Emerald - the most vibrant that holds a top-notch position amongst the gemstone lovers these days. Emerald holds an extraordinary look through because the stone holds a commanding position. Emerald, precisely known as Panna, is the ruler of Mercury. With Mercury at your side, you will be able to achieve all your successful dreams in life, so by wearing a carefully chosen one you could achieve the milestone of good luck and multifarious benefits.

Now let's focus on some significance of Emerald in our life

According to Vedic Astrology, Emerald or Panna rashi ratan is regarded as a highly attractive and effective astrological gemstone that has many effective results. Emerald itself gathers some strong power that has some influential benefits in our life and this amazing represents small yet powerful planet Mercury which is very much important to increase any benefits in human life. Being associated with planet Budh, Emerald gemstone is also denoted as Budh Ratna. The stone is specifically worn by the weak zodiac who has the less effect of the planet to gain and increase the positive influences in life.

Origin of the gemstone

This precious gemstone is green colored because it has originated from the Beryl mineral family and therefore holds a great significance in western astrology as well. In western culture, the people who are born in May are considered lucky. The stone has been recognized as one of the passionate astrological stones that has a bunch of benefits, this vibrant green emerald gemstone is known to have a mesmerising aura and unparalleled aesthetic value.

Even the ancient rishis and saints told the amazing facts of wearing Emerald. The benefits are lot along with metaphysical properties and strong healing powers.

Emerald enhances these below possibilities 



Wisdom & Intellect


Physical Health

Matrimonial Harmony

Other languages of Emerald

Emerald is generally popular in different names in different countries.

This vibrant gemstone is known as Panna in Hindi

Paannaa in Bengali

Pachu stone in Sanskrit

Jarmurad or Zammarud in Persian and Urdu

Peeloo in Gujrati

Paachichalai in Kannada

Various benefits of wearing Emerald

You must be very eager to know what are the benefits of wearing panna stone? We have listed some of the greatest facts on panna stone benefits that you can go through to get a basic idea.

Let’s start

For success in creative ventures

If you are in the creative field and want to achieve something extraordinary in your life, then pann stone can be a magical influence in your life. It enlightens the best possibilities that are related to creativity and imagination power. After wearing this amazing astrological stone, you will notice the sudden change and motivation that you have never witnessed before! Wearing emerald is considered highly beneficial especially for writers, PRs and media representatives.

Promotes Financial Growth

Emerald is always regarded as the ‘Stone of prosperity’.  it represents the highly valuable growth within your promotion in business. Wearing a good quality panna stone is always appropriate for the people who seek better opportunities and want to witness an immense response in finance. This is perfect for the people who work in banking, finance, share market etc.

Brings Wisdom and Intellect

According to the Vedic Astrology, Emerald is in the shadow of Mercury that rules the intellect. If you are a core believer of mythical belief, you must know the fact that emerald stone can work to gain intellectual qualities.

Beside these, Emerald has so many uncountable benefits that you can't even imagine. But if you are searching panna stone online, your foremost work will be researching the best and quality panna from a renowned online store. Gem Selections is one of the most influential gemstone buying platforms who offers the most renowned and authentic gemstone along with the Emerald. You will get Govt. Certified products. So, if you want to know more on Emerald benefits, stay tuned with us.