Sapphire is a very beautiful and precious gemstone and this gem's hardness is 9 Mohs per scale, and its hardness is second higher it’s comes after gemstone due to their hardness increase the cost of this gemstone, and it is the second most valuable gemstone in the world. Wearing this gemstone has some amazing and powerful benefits. Rare and Natural Sapphire gemstone comes in dark blue color, and generally, the sapphire gemstone is found in a variety of colors. Sapphire comes in different colors like yellow, green, pink, and purple, etc.
Purple (Violet) Gemstone
Purple (Violet) Sapphires are generally represented your love. This gemstone enhances your love life with pure spirits. Purple gemstone is the most demanding gemstone as compared to other color sapphires. Anyone can wear this amazing, powerful and beneficial gemstone but if you are buying this gemstone or gemstone jewelry then you always buy a top-quality gemstone after checking 4C and its shape. According to astrologer if you wear this violet or purple gemstone in your left hand then it is very beneficial for you.
Violet sapphires gemstone color very from light Pink color to deep violet and bluish shade. Violet sapphire gemstone is very valuable prices are also high because its hardness is 9 Mohs per scale and its hardness is less than Diamond which is why it is much more valuable as compared to other gemstones. You can easily find a purple Sapphire gemstone that is available in different sizes of different value with different jewelry types.
Violet Sapphire gemstone treatment
Nowadays Violet (Purple) gemstones are the most demanding gemstone on market. A lot of Natural Purple Sapphire has enhancement treatment that increases the gemstone price. A Lot of people get confused about choosing Purple gemstone and amethysts because they both look like same and only difference is their hardness Amethysts are 7 Mohs per scale and Sapphire hardness is 9 Mohs per scale.
Khanna Gems one of the most trusted gemstone dealers in banglore deals in all kinds of jewelery like gold, diamond and many more.