Enlightenment (a term used to describe the highest level of spiritual realization or the goal of the spiritual journey) is a state of deep understanding and awareness beyond the usual modes of perceiving. This is a characterization of the state that lies within, flows with wisdom, encourages peace of mind, and leads to an understanding of the universe that is united. The concept of enlightenment is equally present in most of the spiritual traditions. Eastern wisdom paths like Buddhism, Hinduism, and Taoism differ from each other in their approach to this amazing experience.
In its essence, enlightenment alludes to a moment of spiritual consciousness and awareness when the realities of life and one's own true self are fully comprehended. It implies a radical rise in awareness when the boundaries of the individual ego are transcended and it is understood that everything is interconnected. This phenomenon occurs frequently, followed by an overwhelming feeling of love for every creature on earth, care for the vulnerable, and empathy towards all.
The term "Bodhi" signifies awakening or enlightenment in Buddhism and denotes the attainment of a state of non-dual awareness that expels the illusion of a deep sense of duality between ego and self. This state, known as enlightenment, is also known as Nirvana and is attained under the Bodhi tree while considering the nature of suffering and the way to let go of it. The Buddha preached that the achievement of enlightenment is not limited to an exclusive few but rather is a potential that is evitable for every being.
In Hinduism, Nirvana, known as "Moksha," meaning liberation, release, and getting free of the "samsāra," or cycle of life and death, is enlightenment. It is the escape from the never-ending cycle (samsara) with the awareness that one's real existence is timeless, which is unchangeable. According to Hinduism, the highest goal of life is to attain the state of enlightenment and enter into oneness with all divine beings.
The way of light in Taoism is considered to be reaching the highest level of the Tao, which is regarded as the unseen natural order of nature. It describes an attitude toward life from which myriad paths diverge but all lead to the same great destination. It is an acceptance of the fact that all things are interdependent and form a large, integrated whole.
While enlightenment is often portrayed as a sudden and dramatic event, it is more commonly understood as a gradual process of awakening and self-discovery. It involves letting go of attachments, beliefs, and conditioning that no longer serve us and aligning ourselves with our true nature.
In conclusion, enlightenment is a profound state of awakening and understanding that transcends ordinary consciousness. It is the realization of our true nature and the interconnectedness of all things. While the path to enlightenment may be challenging, the rewards are immeasurable, leading to a life of peace, joy, and spiritual fulfillment.