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The Comprehensive Guide on Basra Pearl Gemstone

Basra pearl gemstone, composed of calcium carbonate released by mollusks in response to irritation, is a type of natural pearl known for its exceptional purity, primarily found in the Indian Ocean. Acquiring a Basra Pearl Gemstone has been exceedingly rare and challenging due to its scarcity. Renowned for its light-dispersing effects and purity, this gemstone is associated with the Zodiac sign Cancer, believed to instill a sense of reverence for one's unique character and tranquility in emotions and thoughts.

Properties of Basra Pearl

  • Chemical Formula: CaCO3
  • Colours: White, Pink, Silver, Golden, Yellow, Cream, Brown
  • Mohs Scale Hardness: 3.0
  • Luster: Fine
  • Appearance: Bright and transparent when polished

Distinguishing Features from Normal Pearl Stone

Basra pearl stone can be easily distinguished from other pearls based on its shape, size, and color. Unlike the round shape of normal pearl stones, Basra pearls have an irregular shape with a yellowish tint.

Jewelry Usage: Basra Pearl has gained immense popularity in the fashion world, adorning various pieces of jewelry such as rings, pendants, heavy necklaces, bracelets, and anklets. Its beautiful shape, size, and color appeal to all, and pearl jewelry never goes out of style, providing a charming and radiant look with most outfits.

Astrological Significance: In Vedic Astrology, Basra Pearl or Moti stone represents the Moon, symbolizing tranquility, love, and motherly attributes. It aids in attaining peace of mind, serenity, knowledge, honesty, spirituality, and humility, making it highly beneficial for individuals born under the Cancer sun sign.

Wearing Guidelines for Basra Pearl

When wearing Basra Pearl, certain key points should be kept in mind:

  • Ruling Planet: Moon
  • Recommended Time: The first hour after sunrise
  • Auspicious Day: Monday
  • Finger: Ring/Little finger
  • Metal: Silver
  • Hand: Working Hand
  • Stone Weight: It is suggested to be in proportion to the body weight (e.g., 1 Ratti for every 10kg of body weight)
  • Mantra: "Aum Chandraya Nama"

Benefits of Basra Pearl

  1. Cultivates Inner Peace and Anger Reduction: The Basra Pearl gemstone possesses a remarkable ability to foster a sense of tranquility and inner peace. By wearing this gem, individuals may experience a soothing influence that aids in the reduction of anger and the attainment of emotional balance.
  2. Amplifies Love and Empathy: Those who adorn themselves with Basra Pearl may witness a notable enhancement in their capacity to love and empathize. This gemstone has the potential to awaken deep feelings of affection and compassion, enabling individuals to forge stronger connections and foster harmonious relationships.
  3. Symbolizes Virtue and Reliability: The Basra Pearl, known as the "stone of reliability," is thought to symbolise virtue. Integrity, dependability, and other traits are embodied by it. The constant reminder of one's dedication to upholding moral principles and acting with unflinching loyalty can be provided by wearing this jewel.
  4. Facilitates Harmony and Serenity in the Home: It is well known that Basra Pearl works to foster harmony and tranquilly in the family. It has a force that can diffuse tensions and disputes, fostering a calm environment where people can flourish. This gemstone is thought to bring beneficial energy into the home, promoting peace and strengthening ties amongst family members.

By wearing this gem, individuals can tap into its unique properties and experience inner peace, diminishing anger, enhancing love and empathy. Symbolizing virtue as the "stone of reliability," it fosters harmony and a peaceful atmosphere within the home.