Undoubtedly, both garnets and rubies are the beautiful red gemstones, but they will confuse you and we think, you do not wish to get confused because of these stones. Important thing is, let us consider that you want to pay much money for ruby but at last, gets a garnet to wear. We are saying this because both of these stones look similar. Rubies are the most valuable stones whilst garnets are not. Ruby stones are harder and much more expensive as compared to garnets. You do not need to get worried as you can buy ruby and garnet stone online.
Spectrum is a way for determining if your gemstone is a garnet or a ruby. Just hold your gemstone up to bright light and move it till the rainbow is created around a stone. Consider the spectrum or rainbow, if there are green and yellow bands, your gemstone is not a ruby. The rubies have a nature of absorbing yellow and green colour in the rainbow. On the other hand, Garnets reflect small bands of green and yellow colour.
Both garnet and a ruby appear in red, but if you put both the stones aside, the colour of garnet will turn pale as compared to the fiery red colour of the ruby.
Another way for differentiating between a ruby and a garnet is the presence of other colours within the stone. If there is a bit of orange shade in the gemstone, it is likely a garnet.
Where to Buy from?
Gemselections.in is the reputed gemstone dealers in Delhi and the jewellery manufacturer in Delhi. You can get high-quality Rubies and garnets at the best price in India. Additionally, gemselections.in provides help related to how to wear Ruby and garnet gemstones as per astrological Purpose.