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Gem Selections



Someone wants to get you to dance to their tune and, quite frankly, they don't care how they do it. This means you could feel manipulated as they try to make you do what they want, rather than what would be best for you. You'll long to tell them to take a running jump but there may be good reasons why you can't, such as the fact that it's a parent or boss who's being such a pain in the neck


You're in a really cheerful mood, and you're determined to enjoy yourself at every opportunity. Ideally, that should involve being with some good friends or with one special person. Maybe you could go out on the town together, or have a trip to the cinema? You'll also enjoy being with children or doing something that's slightly silly but great fun


Work off recent tensions by doing something that always makes you feel good. Perhaps you could get together with some friends and go out for the day, or maybe you're itching to get busy with a favourite hobby. You should certainly aim to burn off some nervous energy by being energetic and physical, so do something that works up a gentle sweat


Spending money could be a frustrating experience today. A trip to the supermarket might be a waste of time because they've run out of the things you need, or there's a massive queue at the checkout. If you do succeed in buying something, it may develop a fault later on or turn out to be unsuitable in some way. These things are sent to try us!


There have been problems recently when dealing with people who are older or more influential than you. You've doubted their word or even wondered what on earth they're talking about, and you get a repeat performance of all this today. Once again you'll be at cross purposes with each other, unless you can make a massive effort to spell everything out as clearly as possible


Communications have a nasty habit of going crazy today, leaving you worried, confused and wondering what on earth is going on. Someone may swear that they're giving you the facts while all the time they're telling you a pack of lies, or they might be economical with the truth and omit to give you some rather important information. Try to avoid reaching any sort of agreement because you may not know what you're agreeing to


A certain person isn't as trustworthy as you might imagine, so be careful what you tell them. They may be trying to manipulate you into doing what they want, even though they give every appearance of behaving impeccably. Try to be aware of your own motives, too, because hiding them from yourself will simply mean that you're expressing them unconsciously.


Your admiration for someone knows no bounds right now. Maybe you work with them and you really look up to them, or you're inspired by the way they're coping with a difficult situation. If you're lucky, you may discover that you're involved in a mutual admiration society, and that this person is as big a fan of you as you are of them. How nice!


You'll be happiest if you can work by yourself today, preferably on activities that have a lot of meaning for you. It will be very satisfying to feel that you've done a good job on something that seems worthwhile. However, don't pass up the chance of a private, confidential chat with someone in which you can talk about your deepest emotions.


Energy is coursing through your veins and you're raring to go. So what do you intend to do with yourself? You need to keep on the move today, otherwise all that dynamism will turn into burning impatience, followed by a bout of irritation that will quickly lead to spats with others. Watch out if you're driving because you'll be very tempted to go over the speed limit


You're full of beans, and you want to enjoy yourself whenever you get the chance. You're also feeling extremely chatty, so it will be difficult to get down to any hard work because you just aren't in the mood for it. A local activity, such as a neighbourhood meeting, will turn out to be much more fun than you first thought, and may even lead to an invitation from someone


This is a nice, easy-going day in which you'll enjoy being with close relatives and other people whose company you treasure. Invite someone over for a cup of coffee so you can have a good natter together, or arrange to visit them. If you're currently involved in making changes to your domestic arrangements, you'll want to jot down some ideas now so keep some paper handy.