You can show your love for others today through service, even if it just means taking out the trash and washing the dishes. It is the many little things that add up, so run your eye over the details in your relationships. Just spending five minutes with someone can make all the difference
If there is someone you have wanted to reach out to, doing so now is likely to create warm feelings between you, and may be the start of something beautiful. You also need to be surrounded by beauty and harmony and your artistic inclinations are stimulated now.
Working as part of a team today may be confronting, but ultimately rewarding as the planetary medley creates tension. Your resourcefulness and creativity is stretched by today's influences, but in terms of growth, this is a good thing. Display your expertise and use your imagination
Children could cost you more than you can afford. Electrical problems may be an issue. Be sure to keep communication open with those you live with. You may meet that special person if you attend fundraising functions
You may be especially sensitive to the moods and emotions of others. Surround yourself with positive influences Your feelings for friends and your emotional responses to life in general are deeper and more intense.
Your desire for love, companionship, and affection predominates at this time. A new friendship or romance could begin, or an established relationship can be revitalized and enhanced.
You may have difficulties with someone who lives with you. Finish overdue paperwork and catch up on letter writing and reading. Your partner may push buttons that infuriate you. Visitors may relieve the tension.
Alienation may be the result of a misunderstanding. Responsibilities with respect to older relatives may be a burden. Some situations may be blown out of proportion. Take a short business trip if possible
A passionate encounter with your mate should help alleviate that pent-up energy. You have a lot to offer. Be careful signing important contracts this week. Don't trust coworkers with important or personal in formation
Keep on your toes when dealing with others. Romance can develop; however, it will most probably be short-lived. You can make money if you concentrate on producing services that will make domestic chores easier. Plan a trip to the country or take a drive to the beach.
The need to share, to give and receive love, and to be accepted and wanted is very strong. You have an opportunity now to see what keeps you from being really close to others - perhaps a forgotten hurt or hidden resentment - and to rid yourself of it by bringing it out in the open or simply releasing it.
Your leadership qualities will come in handy. Uncertainties are still prevailing. Elders may need your help. You will learn a great deal about yourself if you go somewhere secluded.