A certain someone is being awfully weedy today. They're bleating on about all the things that are wrong in their life, and it will soon dawn on you that their main problem is that they're drowning in self-pity. Now, make sure that you don't start playing them at their own game, because all this 'poor little me' stuff will be surprisingly infectious
You're full of energy and bounce, and you'll feel even more vibrant if you've something exciting to do. It's a lovely day for being with people you care about, especially if you do something energetic together. So if you're with children, you'll enjoy playing with them. If you're by yourself, put on your favourite music and dance your heart out
If you want to make some social arrangements you should wait until tomorrow. That's because things won't work out in the way you want if you fix them up today, and that could be very disappointing. As it is, a social event that takes place today might be hit by snags, such as one of you turning up late or the entire encounter being a bit of a disappointment
If you don't want to waste your time, you would be well advised to avoid starting any new domestic projects, because they won't amount to much. Instead, concentrate on ideas that are already in the pipeline. Ideally, you should also set aside plenty of time in which to rest and relax in some favourite and familiar surroundings
Confusion reigns today, so beware.... You're so susceptible at the moment, that you'll be heavily influenced by what people tell you, even if you'd normally ignore every word they say. Concentrate on creative matters, in which you'll excel, and ignore anything that calls for careful thought because that isn't the way your mind is working.
It's a fabulous day for doing some trouble-shooting, especially if you're hoping to solve a problem connected with your work. You'll enjoy gathering all the facts together and then getting to the bottom of what's going on. It's also good for thrashing out difficulties with other people, so you all get the chance to have your say and listen to one another's opinions. Something constructive will come out of it.
What's wrong? You're in rather a state today and you need to calm down. Maybe you've got too much to do and you don't know where to start, or perhaps you're desperately trying to meet a deadline and you're wondering how that can be humanly possible. Try not to fritter away your energy on panicking or endlessly watching the clock. Instead, stay cool and work through everything on your list, starting with the top priority
This is the perfect day for having a good look around your house and garden and deciding whether you need to spend some money, if you have any! For instance, you might realize that it's time to shell out on some DIY or renovations. You don't have to spend masses of money, but this is definitely a good time to make some wise investments.
You'll be relieved to hear that things have calmed down considerably and today should be a lot easier to cope with. If you need to say sorry for your recent behaviour you'll be happy to do so, even if you're the first to speak up. Once all that's out of the way you're ready to enjoy a restful and relaxing Saturday. You'll be delighted if you can laze about doing as little as possible.
Today there could be some wonderful news about someone who's very special to you. And a close relationship could also go from strength to strength. If you're looking for a new love, you might meet him or her any day now, so keep your eyes peeled!
There's a certain amount of friction between you and a loved one today and it looks as though money is at the root of the problem. Maybe one of you wants to buy something and the other one disagrees, or there's a clash about the cost of a social event. Try to stay calm and keep things in proportion, otherwise you'll soon get very agitated and take it all very personally
Today there will be social activity and some very enjoyable encounters with special people. It's perfect for any sort of party or get-together, and there's no doubt that you'll be one of the stars of the show. If you've been wondering whether to take a modest gamble, it could pay off surprisingly well now