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Gem Selections



If you are doing a job especially in the creative field, you will do very well. Opportunities for your career advancement will be apparent but you may not be able to decide quickly enough. There are chances of lost opportunity.


There's no doubt that you've been rather bad-tempered in recent days, but you're all sweetness and light again. In fact, you're prepared to live and let live at every opportunity, and will make a point of giving people the benefit of the doubt when necessary.


There's domestic tension in the air, so be careful. It won't take much for someone to lose their temper, even if it's over something that you consider to be totally trivial.


Those in business should be extra careful as ups and downs are predicted in the cash area. If you are into manufacturing you may have to extend extra perks to your workers. If you are a student, there will be success with efforts. Competitions will be easier to handle


This is also the perfect day for planning some future treats for yourself, especially if they involve travel. There could also be confusion when dealing with an official body or company, so take care


Trust in what you believe, because someone is giving you the wrong information. They might have accidentally got a story back to front, or they may be deliberately trying to pull the wool over your eyes


Everything has extra intensity and meaning for you today, so you're taking it more seriously than usual. This could lead to some important encounters with people in which you seem to be communicating on a deeper level than normal, but it also has a tendency to make you slightly touchy and huffy


Try not to brood on slights or pointed remarks that probably don't really exist.There have been times this month when communications haven't always been very easy, but thankfully they get back to normal from today.


This is especially good news for your social life because it means that talking to friends and family will stop being a struggle to make yourself understood and will become much more enjoyable and relaxing


This is the perfect day for building on the existing foundations of a relationship to make it stronger than ever. For instance, you might have a serious conversation with someone, which fosters a greater sense of intimacy and trust between you


Today  is urging you to tidy up any loose ends in your friendships. So what exactly does this entail? Well, if you owe a chum a letter it would be a good idea to get writing during the coming fortnight.


You aren't always very happy about working in the background, out of the limelight, but that's exactly what you've got to put up with. There may be times when you feel you're slogging away for little or no reward, but it isn't really true