Pink Emerald is also called Morganite. It resonates with the powerful vibrations of Divine Love. Thus, this stone is considered as a good stone to combine with the Green Emerald Gemstones because it is believed that this stone can balance the power of the vibration of the green stones.
Why is it Called Pink Emerald
Pink emerald is one of the varieties of Beryl family and considered as a choice for metaphysical purposes and jewellery.
Similar to Green Emerald stones, Pink emerald generates the vibration of love. Sometimes it is classified as a rare crystal.
Similar to other varieties of coloured Beryl which are caused by inclusions, Pink Beryl also caused by inclusions of manganese.
Sometimes dark Pink emeralds are labelled as Bixbite for getting the attention of people. The light colour of pink emerald stones may be intensified by heat.
Some Facts About Pink Emerald
This crystal helps women to realize their independence of men. Women who think domination is the only way to handle men might be encouraged by the vibrations of this stone to allow their men the grace of being different.
Pink emeralds activate and energizes the heart chakra and spread love in your life.
It helps men to balance both of their masculine and feminine energies.
Moreover, it is beneficiary to heal problems related to lungs, emphysema or asthma. It stabilizes the heart and clears all the problems associated with the lungs.
Experience The Energy Of Divine Love
Pink emerald gemstone is one of the rare varieties of Beryl... This beautiful crystal has inner beauty. It engenders the very powerful vibrations of love.
You can notice a strong vibration even in a small piece of pink emerald, just try to locate it and experience the divine energy of Love.