Considered one of the largely famous jewels in the nation, the Kashmir sapphire is so unique that is barely ever seen. Recently discovered ones are exceptionally rare as the fabric occurring yet was found out well over 100 years back.
They are highly longed for because they are the exemplar of an immediate perfect Sapphire if there perpetually existed one. People characterize it as ‘blue velvet'. Few Burmese and Ceylonese sapphires reach somewhat near in abundance, but just the Kashmir Sapphire proceeds its reign of King of the Sapphire World.
Where do they come from?
Kashmir sapphires come down from a remote part of the Himalaya Mountains known as the Zanskar latitude. The mines discovered in the Zanskar range extent broadly recognized for radiant and blue sapphires.
When the king of the Kashmir got to known of the shining blue gorgeous sapphires, he ordered the guards outside of the mines to safeguard their importance. The mines were labored day and night all over the summer months till the mines were used up, from 1882 to 1887.
It wasn’t till 1887 that geologists found out that the sapphire gems, few of them as enormous as eggplants, emerged from two different regions. One region comprised the pits inside the valley known as the “Old Mine” and another area that contained the valley bed exactly below the Old Mine.
To entry in the mine, the beginning path is relatively risky and difficult. The way began by wondering over the Chinab and Wardwan River to pass over a rope bridge which was heightened 11,550ft in the cliffs. The Chinab River passed through wide and very slight valleys which created travelling even extra dangerous. This part of the journey carried 5days, although it was simply 24 miles lengthy. Since then, the pits have been labored several times, still, limited sapphires have been yielded as an outcome.