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Gem Selections

Gemstone and Planet

I think You known that each planet influences our levels of energy, and thus our existence. According to the study of Vedic astrology, gemstones, are the more precious stones on earth, and stones are associated with our nine planets, like Mercury, Mars, Venus, Sun, Jupiter, Rahu, Ketu, Saturn, and Moon.

There are a lot of precious stones are available, but just let's talk only some best ones:-

  • Diamond for Venus- Venus is a big planet that represents love, affection, elegance, beauty, and controls the human reproductive system. And Diamond, which reflects Venus planet, helps to boost married life, physically and psychologically health and enhances power, wealth, and Enhance your talent.
  • Ruby for Sun- Sun provides us health, assertiveness, self-confidence, and freedom. Ruby gemstone represents the forces of the Sun and It gives you a reputation, wealth, prosperity, morality, vitality, and health and status.
  • Peral for Moon- Moon regulates our mind, mood swings, emotions, and contentment. Pearl gems can kill your evil influence of the Moon planet. It makes you boost your mental ability, increases your reputation, and your well-being.
  • Emerald for Mercury- Mercury regulates knowledge, finance, growth, employment, and the capacity to treat matters sensitively. Emerald gemstone, is the precious gemstone that is associated with the Mercury planet, it helps to enhance mental capability and some other skills.
  • Blue Sapphire for Saturn- Saturn planet is helping to bring peace to life, good reputation, growth, and wealth. Blue Sapphire gemstone, that associated with Saturn Ratna, tends to improve income, health, prosperity, and stability. It offers you safety from risk and it also enhances your detachment.
  • Red Coral for Mars- Mars planet on your wish to quit an impact on work. the ability to push everyone across the endpoint. Experts agree that perhaps the red Coral, the stone that Mars planet that represents, inspires confidence in the human who carries it. Also, it provides material satisfaction.