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Facts of Manik Ratna


Most of the gem enthusiasts are on the constant hunt for authentic ruby stones. Here are some of the most mind-blowing facts of ruby (Manik) gemstone.If you wish to buy gemstones online then gems selection is best  option for you.

The Facts of Manik Stone

1. The term ruby is derived from the Latin word which is "rubber" translating to a red rubber.

2. Manik Gemstone is considered to be the birthstone of July people. Hence can bring in a lot of positive outcomes if someone close to you is born this month.So buy gemstones online from a trustworthy dealer.

3. Despite being the birthstone for July but also is seen as the good birthstone ideal for the cancer zodiac.

4. Putting a Manik stone can help with a dozen positive benefits like name, success, fame, and good health to the ones born in Cancer zodiac.

5. If worn by someone who has this gem as birthstone can make the wearer alert from upcoming problems. As the stone switches the color in such a situation.

6. Sapphires and Rubies belong to the same family known as Corundum. Any corundum stone that has red shades is rubies and other than that are called sapphires.

7. The term corundum comes from the Tamil dialect  "Kuruntam" meaning ruby.

8. All the rubies have small amounts of trace element chromium present in them.

9. The ruby or Manik gem is considered as the perfect gemstone for wedding or engagement purposes. This is because it looks very appealing and has dozens of astrological benefits. Hence if you buy gemstones online make sure they are real or else it won't work at all.

10. In ancient times ruby was placed in the foundation of the newly constructed buildings to give strength to the built structure.

11. The women in ancient history used to wear rubies to enhance their beauty.

12. If someone sees ruby gemstone in his/her dreams it is considered as a sign of wealth, health, and fame in life.

13. The first-ever man-made ruby was made by Gaudin in 1837 who was a French chemist.