Diamond gemstone is very famous for dazzling, beautiful, unique, Quality, and alluring since ancient times. There are a lot of other outstanding qualities of this beautiful gemstone overwhelming fame & popularity, high Refractive index (RF), high thermal conductivity, extreme hardness, and high electrical conductivity, immense beauty, and a lot of astrological benefits. Diamond is also very famous for the name ‘Heera’. Diamond is generally found at Earth's upper surface. Diamond gemstones are the earth's purest metal. All gemstones are made with a combination of Silicates and Carbon impurities and metal inclusion.
Khanna gems is one of the best place to buy gems and jewellery in , Indiranagar, benguluru where you can choose item according to your budget.
Astrological Effects of Diamonds
According to Astrologer Diamonds, gemstones are worn all planet person but this gemstone is very beneficial for given zodiac signs born people: Libra, Taurus, Capricorn, Aquarius, and ascendants. Diamonds are very beneficial for businessmen, artists, musicians, traders, doctors, culturists, Film-stars, cricketers, etc. Below are some powerful astrological Diamond effects that change Wearer's life.
· According to astrologers, diamonds are very famous for giving and intelligence, health, beauty, wealth, coolness, fame, artistic qualities, good fortune, social prestige, prosperity, triumph and success, sexual stamina, and happy and peaceful married life.
· Diamond is very much interested in marital life to create love, happiness, and romance along with prosperity.
· The effect of diamond also affects the wearer's stamina and sexual strength and overall mental and physical health.
· If we believe in astrologer then the diamond is used to solve problems like the digestive system, throat, eyes, bladder, sexual organs, kidney stones, and supernatural powers, etc.
· The diamond gemstone also helps the wearer to solve all daily life-related problems, giving maturity, inner strength, and methodologies.
· Diamond gemstone is most effectively defeat every Enemy and removes fears, and provides all types of supernatural powers that help you get success and will also remove all the problems.