Red coloured "Ruby" is the most sought after variety of the mineral corundum. The trace element chromium is the reason for its red colour. Since ancient times, this stone has been considered the most valuable and the most precious gemstone. In the current scenario, a fine gem quality Ruby is rarer as well as expensive than a Diamond.
When people talk about Ruby, the Burma Ruby is considered as the benchmark which is also referred to as the Burmese Ruby. For Gem connoisseurs, the gemstone's origin is as same important as colour, cut, clarity and weight of a carat.
This is the only gemstone which is not known for its colour, whether it is a Royal Red, deep intense red, Fuchsia, Hot Pink, or Imperial Pigeon Blood Red the name of Burma evokes passion. In present times, a common man cannot afford the fine quality Burma Rubies, only people with significant resources can get these rare beauties.
Burma Ruby Price in India
According to the market conditions of Ruby Gemstone-The, Burma Ruby has nowadays become an heirloom asset. It is due to the extent of the rarity of fine Burma Rubies gemstones.
Why There Is A Variation In Ruby Prices?
The prices of Ruby gemstone are highly dependent on colour, origin, clarity and even ruby type. Every minor change in any of the given factors can impact on Manik stone prices.
·The gemstone should weigh at least 1/10th (in carats) of your body weight.
·It should be mounted in Copper or Gold for getting the good results.
·Should be washed with milk in the morning and it should be worn while chanting the mantra.
·It is recommended to wear this gemstone on Sunday at morning between 5 am to 6 am.