The reason behind wearing south sea pearls: South sea pearls are also called south sea moti in India. Pearl or Moti helps you to attain peace, mental equilibrium and also decreases anger. The south sea pearls inspire love and concern in your life. The south sea pearls are related to cosmological energy.
Benefits: The south sea pearl which is related to cosmological or moon energy signifies the consciousness in a person, it gets reputation and wealth to an individual who wears it. The pearls are said to control the feelings, imparts attraction to someone’s face, attractiveness, glory, and helps to boost memory. It aids to heal eye disorders, useful to cure diseases like cough cold, asthma, epilepsy, nervous system debility, complaints of intestinal disorders, and also throat-related difficulties.
Other aids of south pearls: Pearl gets emotional stability to a stressed mind. The people having short temper are guided to wear pearls. It removes the bad effects of lunar energy and gave strength to your mental health. It helps in strengthening your confidence and helps to generate positive vitality. It is thought that wearing a pearl also helps to form a strong relationship between husband and wife. Pearls are realized as a symbol of success and wealth.
Precautions before wearing south sea pearls: It is thought that a pearl ring is worn on the little finger fetches good wealth, harmony, and serenity to the wearer and it should be only worn on the little finger on Mondays. The weight of the pearl should be not more than 5 carats. The time between 10 AM and 11 AM is the best time for wearing the pearl. The ring should be only embossed in gold or silver but silver is the best option and should be only be worn on your right hand. The pearl rings that are most appropriate on a little finger should be simple to make and must enclose only one small elegant pearl in them.