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Gem Selections

5 Important Questions to Ask Before Buying a Gemstone

Gemstones have been sought after and treasured from ancient times. They have been found in ruins dating back thousands of years. These precious gemstones are valued due to their mystical powers and astrological benefits. Generally, the price of a gemstone is determined by its size, cut, quality (colour/clarity/treatments), and type.

Gemstones are valuable and expensive entities. To ensure the authenticity of the gemstones and prevent falling victim to fraud, it is important to ask the gemstone seller relevant questions before making a purchase of these valuable gemstones.

1.      Is the gemstone certified?

It is important to inquire about gemstone certification to ensure authenticity and avoid fraudulent practices. Certification involves a thorough analysis of various aspects of the stone, such as colour, form, chemical composition, and treatments. Factors like cut, colour, transparency, carat weight, fluorescence, and treatments determine the quality and value of a gemstone. A certificate provides essential information that helps determine if the price charged by the seller is appropriate.

2.      What is the source or origin of the gemstone?

 Knowing the origin of a natural certified gemstone is crucial as it directly impacts its quality. Gemstone qualities are often based on their origin. As an example, Brazil, Colombia, Venezuela, and Zambia are renowned for producing the finest natural Emerald Gemstones, while Sri Lanka or Ceylon is known for sourcing high-quality natural sapphire, providing a wider range of colors with fewer inclusions. Asking the seller about the stone's origin provides valuable insight.

3.      Are the stones real, authentic, or natural?

Authenticity is a key consideration when purchasing gemstones. Natural gemstones may have inherent flaws due to their extraction from the earth, making each stone unique. If a gemstone appears unusually flawless or lacks natural characteristics, it may be a synthetic stone. To determine authenticity, look for cracks, scratches, or black spots within the gemstone, or consult a qualified gemologist for expert advice.

  1. Has any treatment been done on the gemstones?

Inquire about any treatments performed on the gemstones before making a purchase. Gemstones are often subjected to treatments that enhance their appearance, but these treatments can compromise their authenticity. A reputable dealer should provide information about the specific treatments applied to the gemstone. Examples of treatments include heat treatment to enhance colour, irradiation to improve optical properties, fracture filling to enhance clarity, and diffusion to change the stone's original colour.

  1. Do these gemstones provide astrological benefits? Will they suit me?

If you intend to wear a gemstone for its astrological benefits, it is important to discuss this with the seller. Astrological gemstones are believed to counteract the negative influence of specific planets. However, it is crucial to ensure the gemstone is natural, as only natural gemstones are believed to produce the desired effects. Additionally, consulting an astrologist or expert gemologist can provide guidance on selecting a gemstone that aligns with your zodiac sign and is suitable for you, enhancing various aspects of your life, such as health, fortune, and emotional stability.