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5 Gemstones to Avoid and Wear Together

Throughout history, the enigmatic qualities of gemstones have captivated humans. It is widely believed that the diverse range of gemstones can provide various astrological, spiritual, and physical advantages. Many individuals wear gemstones to counteract negative planetary effects based on their zodiac signs.

Specific gemstones are linked to ruling planets, so seeking advice from a reputable astrologer before acquiring a gemstone is recommended. The astrologer can suggest a gemstone that resonates with the planets governing your zodiac sign and other unique attributes, including your time of birth.

Is it Possible to Wear Multiple Gemstones Simultaneously?

 At some point, many of us have pondered whether it is feasible to wear more than one gemstone at a time. Could it increase the potential benefits of combining multiple gemstones at once? The answer is affirmative, but there are a few precautions to keep in mind.


Combining two or more gemstones may enhance their potential benefits, but only if they are compatible with each other. In other words, the gemstones you plan to wear should correspond to friendly planets. Wearing incompatible gemstones together is believed to bring bad luck.

The gemstones you should wear are largely determined by the planetary positions in your birth chart. Combining or pairing gemstones as per your birth chart, you are sure to reap their astrological benefits to the fullest.



If the properties or spiritual effects of two gemstones do not complement each other, the combination may wreak havoc on the wearer's life. An unsuitable combination of gems can lead to problems like stress, anxiety, and even bad luck. Wearing gems belonging to unfriendly planets can have adverse effects.

On a positive note, a perfect combination of carefully selected right gemstones can open your gateway to heaven on earth! Below are some of the most powerful gemstone combinations, including which gemstones can be worn together or should be avoided.

Can gemstones be worn together or separately for different astrological benefits?

  1. Compatible gemstones with Ruby include Pearls, Emerald, Yellow Sapphire, and Italian Red Coral. These gemstones are believed to be highly compatible with Ruby, and their combination may help in unearthing the hidden potential within you. Avoid pairing Ruby with Diamond and Blue Sapphire, as it may lead to emotional imbalance and stress.
  2. Emerald is compatible with Pearls, Ruby, Diamond, and Cat’s Eye. This gemstone is believed to enhance intellectual abilities, and wearing it around the little finger of the right hand with a silver ring is considered auspicious. Avoid pairing Emerald with Red Coral and Blue Sapphire, as it may lead to poor health and bad luck.
  3. Lapis Lazuli, Azurite, and Iolite are compatible gemstones with Blue Sapphire. Pairing Blue Sapphire with these friendly gemstones may enhance mental abilities and restore harmony between energy chakras. Avoid pairing Blue Sapphire with Ruby and Red Coral, and it is advisable to wear Blue Sapphire alone until you are ready to adapt to other gemstones' effects.
  4. Pairing Yellow Sapphire with Ruby may attract wealth and peace and deliver professional success. However, it is advisable to see an astrologer before pairing these two gems, as their effects may vary from person to person. Avoid wearing Yellow Sapphire with Diamond, as the corresponding planets are mutual enemies towards one another.
  5. Opal is compatible with Blue Sapphire and Emerald. Pairing these three gemstones may represent an extremely powerful trinity of Venus, Mercury, and Saturn. Avoid pairing Opal with Pearls, Topaz, and Ruby, as these gemstones do not belong to friendly planets, and their combination may lead to unfavorable changes in your life.

To buy gemstones online of the highest quality and with certification, contact Khanna Gems today.