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Stones that look like ruby

I think, most of the people love to have a beautiful blood-red ruby set in their jewellery. However, there may be a possibility that an expensive natural ruby doesn't fit your budget. Do not lose hope as many stones look like a ruby.

Given below are our favourite ruby gemstone alternatives. Have a look at them. 

Red Garnet

Garnet is the birthstone for the people born in January. It exists in a plethora of colours. This stone is inexpensive.

You can buy this gemstone as an alternative to ruby. 

If you want to save money you could go for Almandine. These most affordable gemstones come in carat sizes from very big to very small. 

Synthetic Ruby

Synthetic ruby is a gemstone which is created in a laboratory. These synthetic stones have the same chemical composition as their natural counterpart but at a much lower price.

Colour is the main distinction between synthetic and natural ruby. 

The Bohemian Rhodochrosite

Rhodochrosite is similar to very low quality, opaque ruby. This is not a durable stone as it is softer stone as compared to a ruby. Rhodochrosite jewellery is inexpensive so you might consider it for making a piece of jewellery yourself. 

The Old World Carnelian

Carnelian is a form of chalcedony made up of tiny crystals. Carnelian stones are found in shades of red and orange-red.

The gemstone is not as transparent as garnet or ruby. This alternative of a ruby is not for the people who want bling, but it is a good choice for jewellery lovers who want to make a unique statement.

Red Swarorski Crystal

These crystals are not gemstones so these are the most affordable option for the budget-friendly people. You can use this stone as gifts for young children who don't know how to take care of finer things.